On the morning of 9/11/2001, I was on the 90th floor of the World Trade Center North Tower when everything changed. Later that day, other than being in shock, I felt no pain. However, I was treated for, among other injuries, 2 broken vertebrae. When they healed, I was left with 2 permanently pinched nerves, as well as partial numbness of my left leg. Constant stiffness and back pain became my new-norm.
About 2 years ago, I began Pilates Reformer sessions and am regaining much flexibility and enjoying significantly reduced pain. More importantly, Pilates has allowed me to once again ‘trust’ my back, giving me the peace of mind needed to cross-train harder and longer than I had previously.
Breathing is also a constant consideration due to inhaling the dust cloud. Pilates has helped me breath better through conscious breathing associated with each position. Where I used to breath only as necessary, without linking movement and body position to breath control, I am now conscious of each inhalation and exhalation. As a result I move through each rep on a single breath, taking time to connect breathing to proper technique.
Will my back ever fully heal? No, but Pilates has allowed me to regard my myself not as an injured person, but as a healthy and functioning community member.
Author: Richard Eichen
Location: New Jersey
Occupation: Managing Principal

Core Pilates Sausalito