Friday, May 17, 2013

Meet & Greet: Jeanette, our Core Pilates owner

Hi Core Pilates Family! We are beginning our new blog series, Meet & Greet, to introduce you to our owner, instructors, and fellow Core clients. We can't wait to get you know you all a bit better (and take a peek into your lives!). Today we' re starting with Jeanette Alford, our Core Pilates Sausalito owner. Enjoy!

1: Name/Age/City/Role

Jeanette Alford/35/San Anselmo/Owner and instructor

Photo by Nick Brown Photography

2:  How long have you been at Core and what classed do you teach?

I bought the studio and took over December 2011. I teach privates, semi-privates and group classes.

3: Tell us about your background. How did you get into Pilates?

I started as a dancer at a young age and part of my training involved Pilates. Though at that time I didn’t know it was called Pilates! After graduating from high school, I moved to NYC to pursue a musical theatre career. I performed in tours, regional theatre and off-Broadway. Eventually, I transitioned into a career in real estate. I was looking for a way to stay in shape, and a friend referred me to a Pilates Studio and I fell in love.  Following my new passion, I decided to get certified and found The Kane School. I was fascinated to learn anatomy, physiology, and the whole body connection. Pilates gave me the opportunity to help people feel better in their body, allowing them to enjoy the activities they love.  The thrill of alleviating pain so a client can cycle, run, or simply walk is the same today as when I first started teaching. A year after my husband Peter and I were married, I left real estate and grew a successful Pilates practice in NYC.

Photo by Nick Brown Photography

Peter and I met in New York walking our dogs in the park. We have now been married 6 years. We loved NYC but felt after so many years of urban living we wanted a change of lifestyle, and in the summer of 2011 started focusing on our goals of relocating and being business owners.  After a few months of searching, we found Core Pilates in Sausalito and we decided Northern California would be a perfect place for a new start.  We quit our jobs, packed up our belongings and headed West.  The Core community is our new California family and we are excited to be here. Oh and in case you haven’t heard, Peter and I are expecting our first child, a little girl, in August. Can’t wait for everyone to meet her!

Jeanette and Peter with their dogs. Photo by Kristen Somody

4: What's your exercise routine?

Normally, I would run 4-6 miles, 3 - 4 days a week and Pilates three times a week. Being pregnant, my pre-natal workouts consist of speed walking the hills in Sausalito, hiking the trails around San Anselmo, Pilates, and ballet. I try to work out 5 days a week.

Jeanette and Peter on the reformers. Photo by Nick Brown Photography

5: Tell us about your diet and a typical day's meals.

Peter and I cook most of the time and we try to eat healthy with fruits and veggies and lean protein. However, I do have a sweet tooth and we both love ice cream. Breakfast usually consists of cereal and fruit. A lot of times I will have a mid-morning snack of a homemade energy bar that Peter makes. Lunch consists of a turkey or tuna sandwich with a piece of fruit. Mid-afternoon snack of yogurt and  dinner is a salad or veggie with protein.
6: What motives you?

I feel so good when I fit well into my skinny jeans mainly because of the way my husband looks at me when I wear them. So you could say that most of my motivation is to look hot and be healthy for my husband!

Jeanette and Peter hiking near Park City, UT

Ok, now a few "Quick Shot" questions! Name your favorite......

Beauty product? Kiehl’s Ultra Facial cleanser

Easy & Quick dinner recipe? Chicken Terriaki. I cut up and cook a chicken breast with terriaki marinade. Throw in broccoli and serve with rice. This used to be one of my “signature” dishes.  Thankfully (and Peter agrees) it is now on the quick and easy list.

Travel Destination? I love to travel and am happy going anywhere new. However, my favorite travel destination to date is Italy.

Marin restaurant?  We just found this amazing Italian restaurant near our house, Sorella CafĂ© in Fairfax.


Thanks Jeanette!

Jeanette and Peter motorcycling 
Jeanette running the NYC Marathon in 2011
Jeanette as "Wonder Woman" on the NYC subway for Halloween 2010

Core Pilates 

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